Colorado Civil Unions Photos | A Night of Love
On May 1 Heather and I had the honor and privilege to be one (or technically two) of the photographers on hand at Webb Hall when the very first Colorado Civil Union licenses were issued at midnight. Over the course of 7 hours we watched as 130 couples applied for licenses, participated in Civil Union ceremonies and pledged their love and commitment to each other. The love that resonated to every corner of the atrium was unbelievable and I had a permanent grin on my face behind the camera as well as a couple of tears.
We stayed until 5am, when the last couple finished their ceremony and even though it meant we only got about an hour of sleep that night, I wouldn’t change it for the world. These couples deserved to have their love documented and we were honored to be a part of it.
Lets cut to the chase: I’m thrilled to share some of my favorite images from the May 1, midnight, Colorado Civil Unions celebration in Denver.
Its hard to believe that anyone could ever be against the unions of such amazing people sharing so much love for each other.
To all the couples Heather and I had the privilege to photograph in Denver on May 1, we were honored to be a part of your ceremony. Whether you have been together 1 year or 27, you are all unique and beautiful and we wish you years of continued happiness and love!
What wonderful photos – they captured so much love and joy!
Thanks Kim! It was a pretty amazing experience :)
Hey. I’m wondering if you are going to post more photos from the awesome night/morning of May 1st? You handed us your card after our ceremony and was hoping to find the images here… but haven’t seen ’em yet.
Hi Troy,
Check out the page for “View and Event After April 2013”:
You’ll find the complete gallery of the event there. Enjoy!
So amazingly beautiful!